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1984 "The kingdoms and peoples of Chad", in: D. T. Niane (ed.), General History of Africa, (UNESCO), vol. IV, Paris, 238-265.

1982 "L'éviction des Sefuwa du Kanem et l'origine des Bulala", Journal of African History 23, 315-331 (reprinted in Lange Ancient Kingdoms, 83-99; comments, 551-2). 

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1979a "Les lieux de sépulture des rois sefuwa (Kanem-Bornu)", Paideuma 25, 145-57 (reprinted in Lange Ancient Kingdoms, 69-81; comments, 550-1). 

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1978a "Progrès de l'Islam et changements politiques au Kanem du XIe au XIIIe siècle: un essai d'interprétation", Journal of African History 19 (4), 495-513 (reprinted in Lange Ancient Kingdoms, 49-67;  comments, 549-550). 

 1978b "Quelques remarques sur le Kitab ghazawat Barnu", Bulletin d'Information, Fontes Historiae Africanae 4, 45-7.

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The history of Kanem-Bornu is also considered in:

2004 "Reflections of the Canaanite-Israelite dualistic world view in the written records of the Central Sudan", in D. Lange, Ancient Kingdoms of West Africa: Africa-Centred and Canaanite-Israelite Perspectives, J. Röll, Dettelbach 2004, 242-254.

1993 "Die Hausa-Tradition in ihrer Abhängigkeit von Kanem-Borno und Nubien", Anthropos 88, 47-76.